Sunday, August 11, 2024


For over past few days I've faced intense internal drama of again heading over heels in blind yearn to feel fuller than I am. I was perturbed with my inability to change Ammi's circumstance as I wished to. The emotional vacuum thus created served to seek being filled with illusions and perceptions that mind was creating in a love starved soul. 

I resisted. I flowed.

And then discovered that it was all for a new body of knowledge and wisdom to be bestowed.

Thank you.

Now you have to listen to my lamentation though.

जहाँ कहीं हमें 
अपने अंतर्मन में 
होता है सुकून का 
ज़रा आभास सरल
बदल जाता है सिग्नल 
इंगित कर देते हो 
इक और मोड़ 
दर्शा देते हो 
अपना नया विसाल!

चल पड़ेंगे, पर 
इतनी हलचल 
अंतर्द्वंद से टकराव 
मेरे निरंतर रिसते घाव 
हैं क्यों तुम्हें दरकार?

बिन उथल पुथल 
भी तो हम 
हैं ही तैयार 
सीखने वो जिधर 
ले बढ़ चले -
तुम्हारी शमा की नज़र। 


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