Wednesday, October 16, 2024

No more...

 It's been happening.... for too long!

It often happens

When love is forgotten

And hate becomes 

A raging fashion.

When this happens 

Children're orphaned

Womanhood defiled

Limbs are lost 

And so are happy homes

The rage becomes

A force of destruction 

It happens when 

this happens -

Fog shrouds the hapless brain

There ain't a reason

No justification 

To justify numbers 

That depict 

human devastation

It has happened 

It'll continue to happen

Unless the silence 

Is no more in vogue

Hand in hand 

Peace lovers crowd 

To shout out loud

No more -


We won't let it happen


This is our world 

Where peace should 



 I am confused-

This longing is set

To continue

Leaves me wondering 

Is it truly for you just

Or in truth

It's for the One

Who brought 

Me to you ?

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


It's a struggle, a true strife to find balance of heart between what should be and what can't be. 

दिल बेदर्द
हुआ बैठा है
और हम उसे
चेहरे पे पड़ी
में समेटने को हैं
दिल बेदर्द
है हमें बनाने को
दिल बेदर्द है
मगर हुआ बेकाबू
जो पा कर
ख़्वाबों का आसमान
चाहता करे अपना सच
क्या करें 
दिल ही तो है!

Promise of love

Most love fails at this point ... but it's good as long as the illusion lasts .... or maybe to stay silent and not ask is the best strategy to keep it alight?

I'll walk 

No matter what

Ecstasy-ing in melody and music 

That in love abounds

In face of low 

And high high 


Be it heat

Or, cold bloody

I can endure 

The roast, the freeze

Together I can overcome 

All with ease

Without any name to give 

Be called so and so 

In a way that befits any 

Paradigm of society


Walking hand in hand

With you

I'll wade thru every storm

I can be brave

for love, in love 

I can walk strong and tall

Heeding heart's call 

But to continue 

On this thorn laden path

Love, I ask -

Can you?

Friday, October 11, 2024

Khul ke barse

It's festival time

A time to rejoice...

The gift of a question

That'd turned to  silence....

Tumhein kya chahiye ? -

Ye jo tum ne 

meri aan aur armaan se puch liya

Besaakhta ummeedon ke dareeche

Dil ne yun khol diya

Barsan thi phir aankhon se 

Aur zuban pe shukriya 🙏🏼 

Thursday, October 10, 2024


Yesterday, I reflected on why I end up barefoot or choosing footwear that is as open to elements as possible. Time and again, people have pointed this out to me. This happened yesterday, too, when I walked to the High Street in my flip-flops, and someone asked me, "Aren't your feet cold?" I smiled. Let it pass. Then, I reflected. 

This has always been me whenever I can -  duty room, home and, of course, in the park. Penny dropped today during a random exchange of messages with Pash, starting with the Pakeeza song - chalte chalte yunhi koi mil gaya tha...

He becomes my teacher by making me look in the mirror and comprehend my resolved and unresolved heart yearnings! 

The feminine in me

goes for all that's natural 

I love to keep 

my feet bare

not restrain

or keep them under cover 

or safe over a weather-hardened sole;

I let them feel 

assurance of firm ground 

I let them feel 

feather-light promise of fresh air

they can sense and taste

earthly smell that emanates

after a hearty soak of rain 

I run, dance and walk

barefoot in the park 

sans constrain

when on a stroll 

feeling firm on the ground I tread

when pebbles prick and prod

my feet can take the hurt

to feel the sore 

then heal 

and walk further afar

wee bit more....

with miles ahead on stretch 

who knows

when final milestone will lay ahead

very close.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024


तुम जितना दोगे
उस से ज़्यादा की कोई माँग नहीं 
निभाने की क़सम मेरी थी 
तुमने तो कभी खाई ही नहीं
यूँ भी -
उन दस्त से क्या लेन देन की 
करें उम्मीद 
उल्फ़तो जुर्रत में है छिड़ी रहती 
जहां बेवजह तकरार;
मेरा माज़ी हमारे पाँव की 
ज़ंजीर भी है 
सब से बढ़ कर 
आप की सुनायी दी हमें 
कभी हाँ ही नहीं ।

Monday, October 07, 2024

Harvesting pause

Yes, no questions are left to be asked. Just let me be.

In an attempt
for harvest 
of my pause
I've chosen still silence;
with no questions
asked of You
and no tools to hand
it'll be the fodder;
I'll seek not
to unearth
more truth -
let me be
let my silence grow


Today is the day of offering (तर्पण) sacrifice to 'मुनासिबत'.

This was coming anyway .... a number of theoretical premises can be put forward and hypotheses conjectured to explain what and why. What's the point? Like I could say that the other's heart is stirred by someone else. Or, familiarity breeds contempt - and my not playing hide and seek games out of the regard I hold for feeling of Love and You and Your Divine plan is my undoing. All a series of unknown possibilities. However, what I've come to know for certain and from experience is that you don't want me to be fulfilled in heart. So be it. 

Yesterday DP lost his father's watch. He was hurt and I was in pain ... knowing full well what such sentimental losses mean to a sentimental soul. And then intuition alerted me that this is coming. The loss was perhaps taken as a sign from the departed soul and after a long gap in communications, when I reached out, I got this message  👇🏼

"मैं भूल जाऊँ तुम्हें 

अब यही मुनासिब है ,,,,"

Well who am I and how dare I question - "मुनासिबत"?

I always have and will always accept. 

Yet let's be clear on the terms of this parting deal between You and I. No matter how much pine and pain you parcel out to me with twists and turns in Your storyline, I will not humiliate the नारी within me and send her out with a begging bowl for love. So....

आज से 
फिर से आँख सूनी है 
सूनी है दिल की माँग
तुम कर अपना प्रण अर्पण
सब बिसर 
जा बैठो 
अपने रब के परिसर, 
भजन कीर्तन का करो 
उस ठौर सहर्ष अलाप;
मेरा घट तो सदा 
अलख निरंजन 
मौन, चुप को धार 
मैं भी सहज 
रागूँगी राग विराग 🙏🏼

Dealing with the void is to Pause

 II guess, I am not the only one haunted by this feeling - the vacuum is powerful👇🏼

I feel incomplete

On more than one fronts 

It's not that 

I haven't tried enough

In fact it has been too much

And it's about time 

I sense - 

In this journey of

Pretty little and so much

I come to rest, just


Saturday, October 05, 2024

love and war

Love is my elixir, especially now when all seemed dark and ugly in my personal life. I am grateful. It has, though, taken my eyes off the world radar and calling of my soul - to alleviate suffering due to disease and death. 

News of the escalating war in the Middle East hit hard last night when I caught up on world news after a long heart-to-heart with Pash. Remorse for selfishness and being lost in my own healing was there....but can an ailing medicine man bring any good to anyone?

I've been selfish
I am in anguish
for I forgot
I was lost
so rapt in the moment
that was wrapped around
you and me.

I forgot
there's a war raging
innocent lives were being taken
by death for no reason
except for their nation
warlords -
had decreed
it to be dead!

Childhood was being orphaned
youth being maimed
young bride being widowed
before the night's shadow fell
she didn't get a chance
to feel safe
in her lover's first embrace;
mother, daughter, young and old
even unborn in the womb
all were sent back home
where they'd come from
with sudden blasts of bomb -
in the violence
was spelt their
power-ordained doom.

Darling -
amidst this havoc
what right did I have
in sweet company, I've languished
devouring beauty
when you sing
ever so lovely -
each and every song?
I sit beside me now
on solitary lonesome watch
I soak
newsfeed after newsfeed
is being served
past the midnight clock
to deliver knock
perhaps on conscience,
in sorrow
my grief is partnered
by the darkness of remorse.

How could
I while off time
in play of match with Cupid
so lost I was in his trance
for I knew none
to be more sublime
than tug of unconditional luv;
here though in this hour,
wakefulness has made its call-
I'm sorry
I'm afraid
it all feels
very very wrong;
and makes me ask
how could my breath
breathe fury
at wanderings
of your philandering heart,
whoever there
reigned supreme
while you'd given
her reins of your heart;
why ever should
mundane matter
when time's swift on move,
in my flow of gay abandon
so blinded I was,
I'd missed to see
our planet's tumultuous mood.

Now in this wake-minute
it's obvious
where I stand
is nigh closer to the end
than from where it'd all begun,
I question so -
how dare I
rise beyond the norm
and not heed the human cry
how dare I fall in love
when call of suffering
should've left me
gut strong and in heart light;
it was the need of hour
to stride right
for the right.

if I say and admit, I've been selfish
so in anguish
I'm penning down remorse -
well, they say all is fair
in true love and, in any
goddamned hateful war -
will this excuse then suffice
my indiscretion be forgiven
will it be judged fairly-fair
in match to
unfairness in this war?

Thursday, October 03, 2024

 जाने क्यों Pash quizzed today -

Quiz for you - तुमने ख़ुद की खुदाई देखी है? 

My truth responded -

हम तो बंदगी में भी

नाकाम और महरूम रहे

खुदाई की ऊँचाई 

है मेरे ख़ुद से परे!

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

जो अपना गुदवा कर आया था

भाई, सगा, संबंधी

और वो भी जिस ने समक्ष तुम्हारे 

जीने मरने की सौगंध में 

उमर भर कह के बांधा था,

एक हिचक भी ली ना किन्होंने 

मन लूट, कर सर्वनाश भरोसा 

रिश्तों को कटुता से काटा था ..,

क्या कमी रह गई थी 

उस पल में मेरे रोने 

तुम्हारे रूलवाने में 

भरपूर रक्तरंजित प्याले थे मेरे

घड़ा भर अश्रु बहाई मैं 

क्या सोच समझ तुम अब फिर 

मन में प्रीत जगाते हो

ढलते सूरज के आँगन में 

पूस के धूप की आस लगवाते हो! 

हास, रास, मगन ठिठोली

को सबीना ही मिल पायी 

साथ ख़राब से ऊँची आबादी 

कही और प्रेम प्रसंग सजाओ ना।

साथ तुम्हें नहीं देना मेरा 

फिर क्यूँ अनायास ही 

प्रेम प्रसंग अनजाने से करवाते हो?

एकाकीपन तुम्हें पसंद हमारा

हम ने भी ये तसलीम पिया 

लेकिन निष्ठुर बन छेड़ो ना 

किसी गाम से बंसी की तान पिया 

कानों में रस घुलवा

आकुल मन को करती है 

प्रिय मिलन को आतुर करती 

साथ जिया ये ढूँढे है।

थाम लिया देखो हिये को 

आँचल को समेत है बांध लिया 

अधूरेपन का एहसास लिए 

जी लेंगे 

तान दो हम पर गहरी चादर 

सो जाऊँ मन में 

यादों के मधुर संगीत लिए।