Thursday, September 26, 2024

दर्पण का सवाल

The cycle of personal pain and anguish on all fronts - physical and emotional over the past year has opened my heart even more to the pain and suffering writ large on face of humanity. I am part of it as an observer and perpetrator too. Guide me to alleviate as much and as long as I can - is the prayer that soul calls out for, as I sit in reception waiting for my turn to be called in for postop follow up appointment. The Consultant is late and held up in a road traffic accident. The TV news anchor is announcing the damages in Gaza.

आज आईना में 

जो अक्स है 

अब मेरा नहीं रहा 

यहाँ प्रतिमिंबित पीड़ परायी है 

तस्वीर दिखा 

जो पूछ पड़ी मुझ से - 

नज़र चुरा ना

भीत को तज 

दर्द साझ तु

हर के ज़ख़्म को सोख ज़रा 

क्या इस के वजूद में

कुछ अंश नहीं 

तेरी भागीदारी का? 

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