Tuesday, September 03, 2024


Yes, this time I have crossed the bridge ... I know - "I am not the do-er" (Gita 5.8). So my dear Lord take responsibility.

Temptation -

It lies in perversity

of interpretation.

When Good Lord

You state in command

choose action 

which gets the greater good

a whisper comes to my heart;

if the love that 

You seed and grow

brings soothe to one

and, harm to none,

'one' stands in the balance 

to score greater 

than figure of 'nought'....

so may my excesses

be forgiven 

and so be my angst

You continue, play 

along with hearts

in many a million trillion way

I'll stand in queue 

with others

in crusade for unrequited love,

day and night You'll

have to hear 

so humble is my plea -

spare my soul of

sparks that suit me not

I'm spokesman

for my ever-defeated


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