Friday, February 07, 2025

why does soul pine and search for an illusion which time and again life proves to be a mirage. There's no mate to the soul other than the Unity, All Pervading God that one believes in.

 ज़िंदगी अजीब कश्मकश है

बस एक बेतुकी ज़िद 

जिसमें तलाश है 

ये आत्मा की शोध है 

आजन्म, अतृप्त प्यास 

उस मरीचिका की ओर

निरंतर भटकन, एक आस 

की कहीं तो, कभी तो

होगी वो मुलाक़ात 

जहाँ अकस्मात दिल झूम कहे

आज मेरा आत्ममी मिल गया

गिनी चुनी साँसों को हो गया हासिल

चैन का पूरा साहिल ! 

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

New Year Resolution

It's New Year's Day today - 1st of January 2025. 2024 has been a rocky year revealing my utmost strength in face of adversity and vulnerabilities and voids that still stir me in face of love. 

Gratitude for all. 

Yesterday Paashu asked me what is my resolution for this year. So here it is:

Howls of wind
Splashes of rain
Pound the earth today,
My heart resounding 
With the pit pit patter
Is trying to configure
The call of Nature;
Is it trumpet
Being blown 
On start of year this day
Pulling me out 
Of year long reverie
Urging to resume,
Recommence my march;
Or, is it a wail for truce 
Urging, beseeching to let go
Of all that comprise
Unfathomable dance of life,
And instead
Take deep dive into 
Unknown Eternity?

In wisdom, I take heart
I choose compromise 
With dramas that unfold
Endlessly into the living's lap-fold;
And so I rest, 
With Self on hold
In stillness I chant 
To my wearied self -
Is my resolution 
For Light

PS: inspiration for this resolution is this verse of Quran:

Light upon Light; Allah guides to His Light whomever He wishes. Allah draws parables for mankind and He has knowledge of all things.

Al-Nur, 24:35

Thursday, December 26, 2024

 How to trust love when it changes faces like that of constantly shifting seasons?

हमने मौसम को बदलते देखा है -

चाहत वो शय है 

जो यक़ीन को बदलने नहीं देती।

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Relationships ki ulajh

 अब दिशा बदल गई ... too late 

Time pass today. Was rankled by DP addressing me as Maata anc VM as Didi 💕💕

अर्जुन सखा बने थे 

और कृष्ण थे सारथी -

इस प्यास का जुनून था 

पर आज टूटी लगन मेरी 

प्यारों की संबोधन ने जो 

बाँके बंधुत्व के बंधन से , 

इनकार कर दिया 💔


Sunday, December 22, 2024

Solistice night 22.12.24

Night of Solistice 
It's been a long one 
After a long drawn 
Battle with life
I call for truce ...
Let me be
As I am - free
Of want of company 
Other than Thee 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Friday, December 13, 2024


 You know at times 

It's necessary
medicinal entirely 
To annoy you 
Or, else you'll stay 
Lost in the world of Divine 
Uncaring for the mortal
That we know as flesh
And all that being flesh
Could entail ...

Oh the angst 
Of doctoring a twin soul 
I keep knocking down walls
To open the view
And then
All I can do is  
Sigh a phew!!!

Thursday, November 28, 2024



Oh how I've travelled
no - rather wandered
in quest of home 
a family 
that's not in shame
is happy to call me own
hoping I'll be strong 
once I belong
in love to love.

So quickening my step 
I tread  
uphill and downhill 
wading through 
sea-storm and sand-storm
at times quicksand
held my feet
quashing all hope
of rising from fall.
I risked my name 
time umpteen and more 
tagged prodigal amore 
lashed with integral shame
yet despite earning the claim
in yearn and pain
I tarried with sojourn
for mate of soul;
I've walked over 
plain and thorn
through mist and fog
with fatigue to bog
I've endured, until
your fragrance incensed
to pursue trail
with a quick glance in mirror 
to catch a glimpse 
of what it showed
of what was left in store
of Self.

Lo and behold 
with sinking spirit
I notice
crinkling crowfeet 
sag at corner of eye
grey on head 
lines on face
whiteness of gaze
soreness of feet
buckle in knee-
all speak clear
I haven't much to offer.

Yet heart beckons
resolute in resolve 
to find my home
with fired spirit, 
saying you're near 
I'm nearly there
don't stop
don't give up.

So, though bereft 
I hasten my pace
with urge to wipe 
my tear and snuffle
hide my face 
burrowed deep in chest
to find finat rest 
in your arm I'll snuggle 
to be at home...

It's then that I hear 
past life's call
nadi reader pronounces
announcing grasp of maya 
it lures heart toward pleasure 
in worldly abode;
he warns to matter what
regardless of effort
it's not meant to be.

Hold on says Guru
hearken don't pursue 
there's no time to falter 
greater good suffer 
in this duel 
of sanity with senses 
wisdom it is
to choose good 
over pleasure
that's transient 
as for you
it's been written ahead 
you're destined
to don sanyasa.

I accept 
the call without
further ado 🙏🏼

 Dhup se udhari laga rahe hain

Agle baras lautayenge 

  • from Rashmi Ma'am's garden

कोई मेल नहीं ना?

जहां असंख्य प्यार करने वाले 

पड़े तुम्हारी झोली में 

मेरे आँचल में नफ़रत, अवहेलना 

तिरस्कार अपमान के ढेरों समान पड़े हैं 

Hero se Zero ka 

कोई मेल hai hi नहीं। 

 It's morning

And I've to hold 

On to yearnings 

That make me snuggle

In memory

Of eyes that melt

Smell and feel 

Of stubble 

That secures 


That increasingly 

Means more and more...

I am at sea

With varying emotions

A ship has lost sight

Of lighthouse signal.