Friday, June 04, 2010


I was a small-town girl
so grew up
chatting, talking, laughing
living life with a swirl.

I am now
a grown up part
of a complex globe:
with changed dynamics
in order to survive
it is inevitable to try
struggle to belong
instead of self
to a plexus of people
that take pride
more than themselves
in those that they know
by positions they hold;
so energies are spent
to painstakingly plan
where to be and when
how to sell
self credentials of worth
look happy, wear smile
feign cheer to befriend -
never the person
but their post is beheld.

I too do
still chat, interact
communicate, connect
and talk with a screen
when reading and listening
in between the said line,
I however remain
consciously on guard
to save from hurt
li'l girl that hides
behind expertly worn
veneer of a pro'
as regretfully with past
ways of the carefree
are gone-
it seems indeed
into a jangle of nerves
I am truly networked!


Shivani Singh said...

Sabina dear this sounds like something and someone i know so well.Only that i could not have said it so articulately.Your verses!! succinct...i hope you wont mind if in my post i link you?
Maybe not now but later when my mind is a bit clear of the pain and hurt to understand both sides of the coin as you do for one small town girl of very humble background that i knew as a schoolgirl was always like that...i say so because back then i was too naive to understand that what i considered as friendship was nothing but her network which provided her with free rides to school and back and also...paid for all her chaats and paanipuris...provided her with expensive gifts...i was a fool then and was doubly fooled now when i was once again used for the same.
Can you trust me on this...some people are born suckers! they never change...they never will because the God they bow down to has synonyms like Money/Fame/Fortune.
This one of yours is closest to me now as i silently pray for her restless mind to ease...pray for myself too that i should not again get trapped.

Love me do, Love me True said...

shivani, of course you are welcome to share the link. this is your inspiration so its all yours!

will catch up on more via email.

i don't know about the demigods of money, fame, fortune but the God that most of my like minded souls place their trust in has a bizarrely, incredibly, miraculous ways.see how our ways have crossed again when for years we walked in parallel experiencing life on the same play ground yet not knowing or understanding each other.

There is a time and place for everything; and these happen with good reason...

Preeti said...

Wow Sabina, tussi great ho. Kya likhte ho. Thanks to Sivani for putting the link in her blog. I had no idea you've been blogging.
You write sooooooooooo well, wish I had that power of expression.

Love me do, Love me True said...

Preeti, you and Shivani are most encouraging. Shivani's style of richly embroidered blogs where she stiches in the childhood memories, impressive research on flowers and social/ every day issues is most admirable.

do you blog?

Preeti said...

Nahin yaar, I don't blog. I wish I could borrow some ink from your and Shivani's pen. :) I enjoy reading and getting to know you better.