Saturday, July 06, 2013

It's a rival now -
it seeks to not know
Humaneness of emotion
Or purity of intent 
Or emptiness of lone
Or unseen innocence
That's dared to desire
Beyond limits of norm.

Hastily then 
Lines of judgement 
stand drawn
Its circumspect:
- how can love falter?
- how can it be on offer 
   without question or ego?
- how dare it overstep
  whats permissible, whats not?

As jury stands 
to judge my soul
I'm on trial
So I turn 
My head
Looking eye to eye
I raise my chin
And before it can ask
With hands up in air
I state the obvious
No - no permission was granted
It wasn't even sought
I submitted without ration 
or a thought
I surrendered to accept
what knocked on the door
Of my heart's core
What's worse men
Listen - 
I'm not guilty or sore
I've chosen the given
With right
Not amor.

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