Friday, February 19, 2021

Night Owl

Thames flows tame today
as I peer across
hospital window pane,
it's break of dawn;
the city has just begun
preparing to witness -
ahead is another day.

A lovers' kiss
painful part and depart,
ferries afloat,
family on stroll;
all ages pitter pattering the cross walk
policeman on patrol
big sniffing dog on leash
as executives in rat rush 
run along
to beat Big Ben's gong -
at this hour
it sounds harsh!

Tourists are relaxed -
few savouring a moment on their own
or, capturing London on their roll
bride's photoshoot by riverwalk
and that man in dejection
some caught in contemplation
stay still and seated
on steps
by famed Westminster bridge.
Ahem, I can almost hear curse
of a homeless squat, careless
as if consumed
in a drunken brawl
with self...

There'll be more
much more to catch
when diversity throbs
pounding concrete
criss across, oblivious
to rub of the throng
at start of their day;
it'll continue
as per decree
until hours draw to close
twilight fades into nightfall
by then so many dramas
would've evolved
as endorsed
on the Playwright's Scroll....

Ah, let go
of thought
I mumble -
for so long it's dawn
this hour is my own
and I wanna savour
full flavour
with sweet sips of tea.
This moment of quiet
blends my spirit so well
to lap gently
in harmony
with Thames River's flow.

Once again -
I peer hard
to smell
City's morning pulse
standing on tip-toes
I strain 'n' press
my noNight Owl

Thames flows tame today
as I peer across
hospital window pane,
it's break of dawn;
the city has just begun
preparing to witness -
ahead is another day.

A lovers' kiss
painful part and depart,
ferries afloat,
family on stroll;
all ages pitter pattering the cross walk
policeman on patrol
big sniffing dog on leash
as executives in rat rush run along
to beat Big Ben's gong -
at this hour
it sounds harsh!

Tourists are relaxed -
few savouring a moment on their own
or, capturing London on their roll
bride's photoshoot by riverwalk
and that man in dejection
some caught in contemplation
stay still and seated
on steps
by famed Westminster bridge.
Ahem, I can almost hear curse
of a homeless squat, careless
as if consumed
in a drunken brawl
with self...

There'll be more
much more to catch
when diversity throbs
pounding concrete
criss across, oblivious
to rub of the throng
at start of their day;
it'll continue
as per decree
until hours draw to close
twilight fades into nightfall
by then so many dramas
would've evolved
as endorsed
on the Playwright's Scroll....

Ah, let go
of thought
I mumble -
for so long it's dawn
this hour is my own
and I wanna savour
full flavour
with sweet sips of tea.
This moment of quiet
blends my spirit so well
to lap gently
in harmony
with Thames River's flow.

Once again -
I peer hard
to smell
City's morning pulse
standing on tip-toes
I strain 'n' press
my nose
close very close
away from blood,
fluid mix, grime
without any labouring cry
to draw me and involve
I remain firm in my resolve
to give night Doctor
her me-time;
mischievously -
I stay
glued to glazed
close very close
away from blood,
fluid mix, grime
without any labouring cry
to draw me and involve
I remain firm in my resolve
to give night Doctor
her me-time;
mischievously -
I stay
glued to glazed glass.

कुछ तो होना होगा

रंग मंच पर कोलाहल है-
कलयुग काल के पृष्ठ प्रधान पर
हर दिवस सजती सुर्ख़ी काली है...
काली बदली घनघोर समाँ है
लोभ, लूट, कभी क्लेश द्वेष हैं 
सजे पात्र सामाजिक सन्नाटों में ,
शर्मसार करते संदर्भ भी हैं
खबरों में अक्सर सुन पड़ती 
रीत रिवाजों की रुदाली है;
श्रेष्ठ परम्पराएँ हो ध्वस्त पड़ी हैं
आचरण, आवरण अक्सर 
अपनी उच्च संस्कृति पे गाली हैं.

क्या यही समय है -
शास्त्र ज्ञान और संत व्याख्यान में इंगित बेला 
क्या अब कालकी, मैत्रेयी, महदी की आली है?

दुबारा लौटी मैं

जैसे डूबते को तिनके का सहारा है प्रिये  

वैसे ही -

दिल के लबरेज़ प्याले को हौसला चाहिए

कि पास है एक ऐसा हाला 

जिसमें बिन बोले सुने बस 

मेरे अलफ़ाज़ और अहसास जज़्ब हों....

मेरे ब्लॅाग तुम हो वही हो।