It's New Year's Day today - 1st of January 2025. 2024 has been a rocky year revealing my utmost strength in face of adversity and vulnerabilities and voids that still stir me in face of love.
Gratitude for all.
Yesterday Paashu asked me what is my resolution for this year. So here it is:
Howls of wind
Splashes of rain
Pound the earth today,
My heart resounding
With the pit pit patter
Is trying to configure
The call of Nature;
Is it trumpet
Being blown
On start of year this day
Pulling me out
Of year long reverie
Urging to resume,
Recommence my march;
Or, is it a wail for truce
Urging, beseeching to let go
Of all that comprise
Unfathomable dance of life,
And instead
Take deep dive into
Unknown Eternity?
In wisdom, I take heart
I choose compromise
With dramas that unfold
Endlessly into the living's lap-fold;
And so I rest,
With Self on hold
In stillness I chant
To my wearied self -
Is my resolution
For Light.
PS: inspiration for this resolution is this verse of Quran:
Light upon Light; Allah guides to His Light whomever He wishes. Allah draws parables for mankind and He has knowledge of all things.
Al-Nur, 24:35