Saturday, September 24, 2022

Stages of Life

Soghra my sister posted on her Insta about 5 stages of life reflecting on weaning that happens at each of the life stages - 

Her eldest daughter and apple of her eye has recently moved on in her life getting married at setting her own home in another city. It touched a cord within me and some random reflections bubbled up in my consciousness.

My Sis,
You spoke of 5 stages  in life -
They each characterise 
With pain of wean
parting from old and known To experience anew;
Cords are cut For us to move on
From womb to cradle 
For pastures of passion
We saddle
Crossing fields of venture 
Set afresh family in new home 
And then let go of our own
Only to experience soul alone;
Its thereafter -
Our mortal form is put to rest,
Final wean is from breath
For soul to embark 
On a solitary sojourn ❤️

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