Friday, February 08, 2013

Pack up traveller

My body feels racked
So is the soul
So far experience of sail
Mostly raging ravaging storms
And me ill equipped
And rose tinted glasses
I wore
To gauge hues of horizon
Made me falter and fall
For times umpteen
There was weakness in heart
forever in love
Groomed in humility
To be unquestioningly let down
With all that was on fore
I was eager
So eager to please
I'd only self to debase
Take it all
With just a pinch of salt...
Now that I know
With reality revealed
I fear no more
I've handed the ores
To One who was there
tugging me with vestiges
of my vessel along
Through the worst of storm
He demonstrated His might
And i humbly witnessed
with heaving sighs
The One who was kind
Unconditional in love
Unseen and supreme
He landed me safe
On this interim shore -
It's now up to me
To rise from disgrace
Fill fuel set fire
And be ready
Be on sail
In directions uncharted
Its my leap of faith
That'll carry asail
My diminutive form
To where I was
Set out to go -
Be it sweet or gore
It just feels right
i am ready
to turn a page in my book
I've to move on

1 comment:

Shivani Singh said...

:) you said it well enough and i feel like talking now that you've inspired me too.
i sure feel thankful for the rose tinted glasses. They helped me move on too. They helped me see, realize and later decide. To move away from some and accept others as i moved on.
Finally i'm able to muster conviction enough to say no to what i cannot endorse. And although i would love to be loved by all i don't mind anymore if this is misconstrued.
Thank God for the rose tinted glasses for had it not been for those i wouldn't have known the difference.
And thank God i follow you in whatever you have to say!!
Yeah and i love how you put words through stringing them in harmony.
'Interim shore' for instance and there are more...