Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Eat Pray Love

Mantras for life:
Eat love pray
Italy India Bali
breathe behave like Yogi
let go and woo
the four saints 

that are saviours -
Intelligence, strength
Friendship and poetry
they're every person's friend
heart break is the mantle
of the brave alone

they tried
choosing not to stay 

not turn away
when the heart got a knock
It's OK

let it be
it'll heal

you'll recuperate
just swallow vit E
replenish loss with drinks of water

pack bags
travel far and wide 
aound globe go round and round 
without destination
nor keep any desire to arrive
Sleep well
Be silent, be still
meditate, chant and tasbih
speak to take solace
in karma and destiny...

Romance and passion
are ardent forces of life
that open 
gates of heaven
love's to be tasted prior
to entering bliss of Eden
The mantra is not to give up 
so prepare 
to be brave once again.

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