Saturday, May 17, 2014

Infinitely in Love

He asks -
What does it mean
to love infinitely for infinity
and I ponder
on loves of my life;
all were good
all gave and took away
with every breath and sigh,
there was Only One however
that with Hand so constant and steady 
took to me in terror and tremble
so sure and gentle 
He drew me close when 
I fumbled and 
had utterly, completely given up
time and time again
unheardunasked, unseen
He took charge - to lead
from unreal to real
from untruth to truth
darkness to light
from bondage of earth
vastness of open sky was revealed 
He persevered 
when I floundered!
In tiniest wisp of my emotion thus
this heart bears witness
of what I came to know thereby
with all certitude hence
I say -
His Love alone is infinitely infinite
all else mere and slight.

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