Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I am headed for a shoulder re-operation. Yesterday, Pash in his compassionate mode, commented during a chat and sharing of self-inflicted maladies, that he felt sad. Thereafter, I searched my heart and found no sadness there, neither was there any fear of whats about to come. 

My heart has been broomed and mopped clean. It looks as we used to say - spick 'n' span

Don't be sad for me -
given a second chance,
I wouldn't have it another way;
life's been sweet 
and full like fairy tale 
countless adventure
fun of travel
lessons in deception 
but more importantly 
of trust upheld
love unconditional 
where hands were held
in pitchest dark,
never felt friends or elders 
left my side, I was 
never ever alone 
or took it so hard 
that couldn't get up again
and pace afar,
having help near at hand meant 
at every turn and nook
I could sing and dance
to assigned tune ,
there was the Unseen
to fend off any crook
who planned misadventure 
dared be obstacle 
to my show;
carefree I've trod
down and up
both pain and pleasure 
filleth my cup,
tales from yore 
from near and further afar 
blew my bugle  
and announced my march,
Draupadi and Sita 
Krishna and Sudama
Valmiki's Karna
Sleeping Princess 
Cinderella, Alice 
lost in wonderland
and let me forget not 
Sindbad, Alaadin and Mulaan -
folks from lore
showed up before 
I was lost 
to point out the way ...
so much inspiration 
was their innings' play
of all the bittersweet lessons learnt 
I felt most strong in my bone
that Love endures
and yea as they'd said 
love endured 
despite some hiccup
when I asked for rest,
I've made so far 
with gay sway
not a moment's regret or remorse 
to bring gloom to heart
I've tasted nectar, preordained
so well that heartily today 
I've hesitate not to say -
my wine's been 
worth its penny 
every given dime
was spent well
my time 
was indeed a Divine symphony.

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