Tuesday, October 25, 2022


जब रूह मेरी जुदा हो
जिस्म बेजान हो पड़ा हो
मेरे बच्चों संभाल लेना 
मेरी बेजान काया 
बड़े सब्र से है निभाया
साथ इसने जीवनी की 
हर रहगुज़र पर।

तन को नहा के सुथरा 
सफ़ेदी से ढाँप देना
इस रंग को था अपनाया
मेरे मन ने व्यथा में
यूँ दामन में रंग कई सिमटे
उत्सुकता ने निहारा 
पर सुकून हुआ मुयसर
फ़क़त चाँदनी की 
श्वेत रिदा में। 

फिर उस जमीं को सौंपना 
जिस के अहसास में तरी हो
मज़बूत पेड़ के साये 
लिपटे रहें कब्र से 
फूलों के हुस्नो बू से
मेरी फ़िजा सजा देना 
यूँकि परवाजते परिंदों 
को बेसाख़्ता ख़बर हो 
कि रब की क़दरो रजा से
जो बस्ती है याँ सबीना 
हर दिल को ये यक़ीं हो
मुहब्बतों वफ़ा का पैकर रही
वो दम भर
सो सहां रब की अमां है
चहकें वो ये कह कि -
आओ थोड़ा थम लें 
दम लें और गुफ्तगू कर
बेलौस मुहब्बत से
दिलों जाम भर लें


Monday, October 17, 2022

I am

I am 
A point in time
In space I exist
As wave
Traversing the crest 
And trough
I dive and surface 
To find meaning.

Saturday, October 08, 2022


साहिल पर पलटती लहरों के संग
पैरों तले 
रेत खिसक रही थी 
और मैं बस ठान खड़ी थी
स्थिर चाहे ना सही 
मेरी भूमि तो यही है.

This was jotted down on the shores of Arabian Sea on 3rd December 2012. Much water has crossed under the bridge.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Stages of Life

Soghra my sister posted on her Insta about 5 stages of life reflecting on weaning that happens at each of the life stages -https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci1-vjSvtLe3-dy7Xp5wgSoQmN2n-IHvY4v40M0/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= 

Her eldest daughter and apple of her eye has recently moved on in her life getting married at setting her own home in another city. It touched a cord within me and some random reflections bubbled up in my consciousness.

My Sis,
You spoke of 5 stages  in life -
They each characterise 
With pain of wean
parting from old and known To experience anew;
Cords are cut For us to move on
From womb to cradle 
For pastures of passion
We saddle
Crossing fields of venture 
Set afresh family in new home 
And then let go of our own
Only to experience soul alone;
Its thereafter -
Our mortal form is put to rest,
Final wean is from breath
For soul to embark 
On a solitary sojourn ❤️

Thursday, September 01, 2022

मैं कौन?

Vishwamohan - a dear friend keeps inspiring me with life and living. He is a rare gem of a person blessed with a balance of creative and logical mind adding value to the science and engineering as well as philosophy and Hindi literature (https://vishwamohanuwaach.blogspot.com). His message with a question tickled me into writing this morning. 

He said: हमारे ऑफिस के एक स्टाफ, चिश्ती जी, ने बताया कि सबीना रात्रि के एक प्रहर को भी कहते हैं। अब तुम बताओ कि रात्रि को कौन सी प्रहर हो तुम!

So I said: 

मैं - 

सुबह की शफ़क़ की लाली

फुटने से क़बल की अंधियाली

ब्रह्माकाल का अज़्म सजो

अग्रसर ज़िंदगी की लौ लिए.

May the All-knowing Almighty accept 🙏🏼

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Feeling alive

Watched a video enunciating health and well being rules to achieve longevity. It made me reflect. Death is the only certain thing once life begins. When it will happen is uncertain. So the health and life style measures ought to focus on improving quality of our lives. And, then I thought what is one thing that consistently promoting our well being. It's our ability to love and laugh, irrespective of what the life circumstances are 😊

Listen you -
live True
live from the heart 
whether until 20s or to 100 plus
savour the now 
being in the moment 
know how
sans any condition 
to laugh and love 
and celebrate your breath
your pulse
before taking final bow 
on way out. ❤️

स्वतंत्र भारत

Understanding India as an entity on its 75th Independence Anniversary 

पच्छ्तर (७५) साल हुए -
अंग्रेजों से आज़ादी के
भारतीयता किंतु क़दीम है 
आत्मीयता से परिपूर्ण 
निर्भीक, निर्भेद संस्कृति 
वासुदेव कुटुम्बकम की प्रतीक सदा 
रूह स्वच्छंद भारत की 
कल थी, आज भी और रहेगी कल 
पुश्तों के आवागमन से परे 
गणतंत्रता की गणना में शुमार से क़बल
स्वतंत्र भारत की आत्मा 
असीम और अज़ीम है ।

Sunday, August 07, 2022

Ode to friendship

It's Friendship Day today. Rashmi penned a beautiful poem: https://ruminationsbyrashmi.blogspot.com/2022/08/roots.html
It made me reflect on what friendship's been for me. It set my soul free ❤️

Rooted we are - 
Thru father
Thru mother
Bygone ancestors
And their left over tradition.
Anchored we are
By progeny and our children
True essence of oursIs but truly set free
Only when in friends' company-
With laughter and joy
Jokes and reminiscence No care, Taken for granted acceptance
Easy banter
Some cribs, few moansSans judgement 
Sometimes quick wit
All together in rich mixTo spice life's canvasIt's with them We spread wings to fly
In friendshipWe revel as akin soul ❤️

Thursday, August 04, 2022

Moving on

I am three short of 60, I tell my son. It's time to glean the gems of lessons the Uni of Life gave me. Most powerful has been moving on and not getting stuck in grievances, betrayals, loss of love, hurt expectations, breach of trust .... and continuing to flow through life embracing moments of joy, happy memories and being in the moment. 
This life,

With its twists and turn

From a station 

To another

Brings to interchanges

To pause

Look around and find

People have changed

That whom you once knew

As they were 

Shared in rejoiceBalmed in pain

Walked together in sojourn,

They no longer are the same.

You know then -

It's time 

To move on.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

रूह का अन्नदाता

साल लगे कई

फिर जा समझी लाल लहू का 

शेष यौवन प्रहर ही हो जाता है।

साँझ ढ़ले तो केवल 

मीतों का गीत ही भाता है।

दर्द दिया लेकिन साझे को 

दोस्त के दिल को बढ़ा दिया -

विधि अद्भुत प्रेम पंच की

विधाता तू ही -

मेरी रूह का अन्नदाता है । 


My nephew was here to visit. His spontaneous comment over chit chat and snacks was - कितना सन्नाटा है यहाँ". I was surprised because all I had felt was profound peace and company of thoughts and nature. I was in bliss that others were oblivious to.
तनहाई ख़ामोश कहाँ - 

बड़ा बोलती है;

बरसों दबी हसरतों की ज़ुबाँरूह में रस घोलती है

ना तौलती. ना परखती

ना तू तड़ाक के तेवर

चले आते है कभी बरबसभूली बिसरी यादों के गहवर

उस पल जब स्वयं से स्वयं 'हम कौन हैं' - से प्रश्न लिए मानो, आत्मा 

अपने ही वजूद का पता पूछती है।

या फिर कभी अपनी लौ सजातनहाई मनस के पृष्ठ परझिलमिलाते ख़्वाबों के परवाज़ की दिशा ढूँढती है ...

हाँ सच.मेरी तनहाई बड़ा बोलती है।

Monday, June 27, 2022

माँग दरवेशी

 धार कोई और कहाँ यहाँ-

रब इकलौता स्रोत मात्र है,

और ये मन कोरा, केवल 

है दरवेशी का ख़ाली कूजा;

पाने को हर पल

ललक ललक प्रभु प्रसाद 

का प्रार्थी है।

लापता होने की ललक को
होंसला दो ऐ ज़िंदगी।

Woe to warmongers

The youth walk to war

That Kings and Kingsmen bid for -

They sold dream to be martyr 

To young soldier 

Every crusader 

Aches to have accolades

Of medals and awards 

More, much more 

Than being there as lover or Dad;

In their march 

Little do they know of pain of death 

Or ignominy in after-death

That brews out of senseless bloodshed,

And wreaths when they come to be laid 

Will be chosen for places of rest

Earmarked and epitaphed graves 

To honour not the departed braves

But ones whose bid 

For power 

Was seen as sign of leader -

He wilfully and wastefully 

expended the youth

That country and 

global community had.

Note to Aamal

 मेरा बेटा 

मेरा प्यारा

कैसे छोड़ दें

बाप और माँ

ये जानते बुझते 

दुनिया के बदमस्त हंगामे

दूषित करते परवाज़ों को 

थोड़ी भी चूक

खाने पीने

सफ़ायी. सच्चाई से जीने में 

हिला देगी 

नींव आने वाले कल

और कल के कल की -

क्यूँकि ये उम्र बड़ी छोटी 

और आयु आख़िरत की 

निरंतर अंतहीन सालो साल है ।

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Winter safari


Winter safari -

On a warm day

My son walks me

With my waning steps 

For my birthday 

To keep company 

Of wind and wild.

From yokes of time


I am released 

Thus, youth resurges 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Constancy in Change


Greens in all its adorn

Tugs at heart 

Beseeching me to ask

For summer 

With all its heat to last,

Indulgently in its bask

It's turn of sun

To ask

Are you yet to learn?

Accept -

It's only change that 

Forever lasts!

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

रब तू किसका?

 होड़ लगी है -

ढूँढ रही जो भीड़ समक्ष

अपने अपने रब को

इक हलचलइक कोलाहल में;

मैं बुद्धि विपरीत लिए

हार साधबस लुप्त सी

ताड़ूँ सर्वश्रेष्ठ सजन को 

केवल विरक्त मौन क़ल्ब में।