Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Their eyes met
for a moment to get 
glimpse of Self
in the other's soul.
Both were a part filled bowl,
that clanged for a while 
to cheer and mate, 
to quench
with fervour 
they attempted
to devour 
to take fill of the other
without a pause to exchange 
or, give more of one
to other 
so half that's better 
could sustain -
they moved on,
for illusionary gain..

They departed 
each on way 
chosen on preference of their own
using urgings of mind,
despair and despise,
and not dictums of heart
to guide 
Which path they'd walk
paths that had been trod before
by so many akin
but not by traveller who listens
to solo tune that's their own
they cared not to savour 
the nectar 
they'd blessed with
in depths of their soul
Like so many other
they chose to suckle, 
not nourish nor offer succour
to be togetheras One -
being complete 
in their whole and sole.

Little wonder it was -
they were lost again
from being near to Eden
they turned 
as they chose -
to further wander 
on the lone!

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