You'll ask - gussa?
I will say - no, hurt.
Why should I tune into classical ragas of structured saa re ga ma.... when wild tunes offer as much soothe to heart?
A personal expression of experience of love
You'll ask - gussa?
I will say - no, hurt.
Why should I tune into classical ragas of structured saa re ga ma.... when wild tunes offer as much soothe to heart?
Playing the game with Universe .... in its own way.
The rule says:
"On the spiritual plane everything works the other way around
The Paradox of Desire and Fulfillment:
In many spiritual teachings, the less you desire, the more you receive."
Let the rules remain unchanged 🙏🏼
Pash asked today - "If I were to ask you one word - just one word in English - what it would be?"
This was easy peasy lemon squeezey for me. Despite the heartaches and heartbreaks - there is only one word, one song, one emotion that fires my heart - Love (in its true, unsullen form - it's a beauty that's joy forever!
Love -
प्यार अजूबा है - सच।
It is from Him - True
So if it is from God then how come God becomes a jealous God and expects denial of this miracle?
No answers!
Will wait and see.
Am I lost or lack a defined purpose in life?
Or, may be the soul strife has drained me out.
Motto is: we shall overcome.
Missing you Baba 😭
हर सवेरे उठ कर मैं
Taking solace, applying brakes in acceptance. Tears will fall. Heart will ache. So be it - may the Light enlighten all 🤲🏼
Struggling to understand the meaning and purpose of emotional turmoil that my energy fields have encountered in past few weeks. Since nothing is meant to be without reason - I'm driven to ask WHY?
How does one lament to the One who sets forth such turbulence in heart drawing one to another? Then it's supra- not just superhuman effort to Captain one's ship to stay anchored to sanity aka रीति रिवाज! May be prayers help both parties to be delivered of temptation!
I am eternally grateful for so many well meaning friends in my life.
रक्षा बंधन है आज -
तो भाइयों को ढूँढ़ा
मिले कई -
मगर नहीं था कोई रिश्ता खूनी
कोई अपना सगा नहीं था 🙏🏼
I am angry. I am upset. It's swadhishthana chakra in a whoosh!
Clarity is always a source of joy.
Sat Chit Ananda - that's the natural order of attaining joyful heart. Truth brings clarity to conscious awareness and that culminates in peaceful joy.
Today is a clear day.
It's safe to have boundaries, know them and not overstep. Otherwise pain and loss of peace is the price to pay. No illusions. No delusions. This mantra will keep risk of heartache at bay.
There is uplifting energy in banter cross and across genders. I know first hand - it heals. Does it class as sin? A transgression?
It's hard to take people and Almighty at face value. Today I am flustered with His attempts to create dramas in my life. Why? I am not looking for one. On the face of it and with limited, fistful body of knowledge that I possess - Creator=Rabb=nourisher of body-mind and soul. It's hard not to place trust at His disposal. May the 'seen' match the 'unseen'.
आसमान है मुट्ठी भर
नीला, खुला और साफ़
लाली पुष्प की लगती कोमल
हरियाली लगती ख़्वाब
दृश्य अगर ये दर्पण है
तो मन सोचे ये बात
दिल की धड़कन
में प्रश्न प्रबल हो
पूछे है अनायास
क्या मालिक इनका
निश्छल है?
सत्य का अगर रूप हो साक्षी
कर लूँ क्या विश्वास?
Stories have been my lamp and light, navigating through highs and lows of life, choosing my dos and don'ts, this morning I wanted to honour the role that they've play in human life.
Many experiences, so many questions to feed a thinking mind and finally a rest in age old philosophy: kindred souls meet before meeting again in their earthly form.
And when they meet again, there's a plan and purpose to perform
Just accept and let Divine unfold 🙏🏼
प्यास है तो सही
मगर क्यूँ किस लिए
सर्वतत्व से आभूषित हूँ
छत अपनी
संतान सुखी
है लोभ नहीं
धन माया प्रलोभन मुक्त हूँ
फिर क्यों है वितृषित, अनजान
क्या चाहे मन है?
Dil agar kitab hota
Feeling restless within at this beautiful hour when dawn breaks through with light. All is quiet. Even the birds seem to be enjoying a morning nap. In this me and meri khamoshi moment, I reflect on what holds me captive to my past - is it cancerian wafa? Or, known security of limiting beliefs which knots me firmly to the bygone?
I am facing a difficult choice. Masterly inactivity or full on war?
I am on the mat
Transforming with teachers call
From Tadasana
To Savasana
I perform
To align
In Veerbhadrasana
Only to be humbled as warrior
And when I finally
Lay to rest
The Guru within whispers
To send it all
The peace and deliverance
To my heart's quest
On the chidikasha
I see surface
One face -
It's her in peaceful slumber.
PS: Sanity thy new name is Sabina
A lovelorn heart - especially when it's aching to give love to another, unconditionally, is seeking completion, fulfilment of dharma that it was born to deliver. Sanity has no place here. It will vacillate and vibrate whenever the Supremo pitches it against another vessel that also seeks fulfilment in love.
That's what I am experiencing. It's my personal need and the other's. It presents illusions and excuses to mind - I am special for the other... we fit together... I am needed... this is a sapling of love that could grow into a lush, sweet fruit bearing tree. Humbug!!!! Shush!!!!
Fate don't test me please.
I have moved beyond carnal desires. Let me be delivered of the need to be loved, hold hands and rest my head against a solidly reliable heart to experience completion. Otherwise, when the fog clears, all that will be left to gather will be dust and ashes of what once was a promise of heaven and ended up shattered to broken bits. I've been there.
Know O Heart! life has brought wisdom through heartaches and heartbreaks, I have converted - from impulsiveness to sobriety and sanity
The school lesson that Sister Lioba imparted has been long outlived. She said that when you feel love for someone - express. A delay in expression may be lost eternally with uncertain twists and turns that life presents.
But expression risks rejection. I don't want to hurt or be hurt. So sorry Sister Lioba. I choose to stay mum. No more mortal hide and seek games of love for me.
Sanity is, and shall remain my dharma.
NO -
Today is Ram Navami and a friend celebrated with verses stating that 'Ram Atari' eludes mankind as they are lost in worldly maya. I don't agree fully. I believe in Leela of life and passing enduringly through it as Ram had done with courage and equanimity. Worldly life itself is thus the instrument to attain 'राम अटारी'. I am posting link to his blog too.
Note: the poem was written on Ram navami day in 2023. When edited for typos today it showed the date of 1st August 2024
राम अटारी कईसे सोभे
जो जग पग से
मानस मन डरे ?
जंगल जंगल राम चले
धरम करम के सिंधु पार गये
कभी जुठे बेर चखे
कभी सिया संग
प्यार के रास रचे;
वीर्य वीरता के संग्राम में जूझ
वनवास में प्रकृत
प्रकृति से हो आलिंगन बद्ध
जंतु मानव के मन हरे।
हुए प्रेम विछोह में रम तप
उठे युद्ध को
किए भय अत्याचार के
राक्षस वद्ध,
तब कहीं
राम जी हृदय सम्राट बने ।
सो बटोही क्यूँ मोड़े
प्राची से प्रखर ये सच है -
है राम अटारी
इसी माया पथ पर
सो झूम और डुबकी ले ले
लीला सागर में तैरेगा जब तू
पाएगा राम को पास खड़े ♥️
I am in Bokaro today. Came to see my ailing mother as I was not getting a response about her well being and my umpteen calls missed. The light in her eyes has uplifted my heart but her agitation yesterday, her agonising flashbacks and my sense of helplessness pervaded the day just bygone. All I can do is turn to God, kneel and pray. Allah alleviate her suffering 🤲🏼
वो ही हम कर सके ज़िंदगी में
जो रब ने करने की हामी दे दी...
जब थम गये से रस्ते,
मेहनतों का मिला ना हासिल
समझा लिया समझ को
यही है मर्ज़ियों इलाही
करमों के फल में पार्थी
है नियति भी शामिल -
इंसानियत की परवाज़
होती वहीं है कामिल
जिसको बना दिया है
रबूबियत ने हमारी मंज़िल!