Tuesday, August 06, 2024

In quest

I am at a cross road facing uncertainty of which one to take as a daughter - masterly inactivity or full on war?

On my mat
Transforming with teacher's call
From Tadasana 
To Savasana
I transform
To trace essence 
Of my core;
I align
And re-align
In Veerbhadrasana 
From warring pose one
To two 
I'm humbled as warrior
In surrender to You
I finally lay and listen
To hear
Guru within 
Speak in whisper
Asking to direct all that
I got in that moment 
The peace,  the deliverance 
To my heart's quest.
It asks to visualise
With closed eyes 
On my chidakasha 
Who, what that might be?
As ripples of thought
I see it rise to surface 
One face -
It's her 
in a peace slumber

Ammi may you be at peace and be loved always!

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