I want self to heed
when I'm wrung
and hung up to dry,
an inner voice
speaks in whisper
on the wisdom of my time.
Sometimes when we
surrender to Him our soul
in humble offer
with naive innocence
then we claim and vow
through chants and invocation
We call -
then He who pines as much
to receive from us love in truth
takes it in His turn
to question,
and as such
He unwaveringly puts us
thru life's litmus test
to sieve out true worth
of expressed devout emotion
from transient throe of passion
which solely wants
to control and to possess.
When our world's
not hunky dory
we're spun topsy turvy,
He returns with humour wry
seemingly upon countenance
brows arch to quirk
His query's heard with a smirk -
come on dare, do answer
Can now you say
in all earnestness
do you really do believe
trust and love Him
alone - and no other?
do you still so choose, proclaim
in His name say - O Sage
that indeed nowhere else
you'll ever take refuge?